We spent last night in North Bend falling asleep to the sound of fishing boats docking and the salt-talk of the local fishermen. The coast is beautiful, but both and Liz and I are soaked to the bone - one thing I've learned growing up in the Northwest is that there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad rain gear. Yesterday, we stopped to play in the sand at the dunes just south of Florence, Or. where we were given a guided tour by our new friend, hippy-guitarist-extraordinaire, Adam.

We made a stop in Reedsport for some fun. We were cooking up some lunch when a very kind woman named Xoa stopped by on her bike and loaded us up with some food. Xoa volunteers for Meals on Wheels and hooked us up with all the leftovers! Mmmm... Peach Cobbler!

Next Stop: South!
I love the photo of you in the tree. Florence is such a cool place.